The Noonification: Technology Is Killing Creativity

12 Aug 2022

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Ownership, Authenticity and Cloning of NFTs for the Greater Good By @dfxluna [ 2 Min read ]

Let’s demonstrate some issues NFTs have by cloning them! Read More.

The Linux Writing Contest 2022: Round 2 Results Announced! By @hackernooncontests [ 2 Min read ]

We are back with the results announcement for The Linux Writing Contest by Linode and HackerNoon, July 2022. Read More.

Learning the Art of Storytelling from Pixar By @onyawoibi [ 2 Min read ]

Pixar has successfully presented stories using a structure that works every time; it is a must-explore for any storyteller. Read More.

Technology Is Killing Creativity By @monnetbat [ 2 Min read ]

Technology is killing creativity in the sense that it is making it more challenging to be creative. Read More.

GitHACK! We are the Reason for the Hack

By @sipping [ 2 Min read ]

Github has been hacked. The affected computers cloned the affected repositories. How much is it Githubs fault? How can we protect ourselves from this? Read More.

🧑‍💻 What happened in your world this week? It's been said that writing can help consolidate technical knowledge, establish credibility, and contribute to emerging community standards.

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The Hacker Noon Team ✌️