Noonification: Your Daily Dose of Electrifying Tech Content at Noon, by Hacker Noon

6 Aug 2021

Now, only the best of the best tech stories on Hacker Noon can be automatically delivered to your inbox at noon everyday. Noonification! - David Smooke, mid July 2019 😂

Good Hacker Noon Readers! 😃

I bring you good news: Noonification IS BACK!

Hacker Noon cares how you spend your afternoons, so we bring you another exciting way to electrify your favorite reading time. Get the top Hacker Noon stories directly to your inbox every day, at NOON*!

Our editors mark only 4% of stories as top stories. Previously, people could see those stories atop the homepage but had no way to get only those stories delivered to their inbox.

Now you have the option to subscribe to them by filling this form.

Why Noonification?

Because that's how hackers spend their noons, duh! - reading great stuff!

Also, according to scientific research, the best time for reading and learning is generally between 10:00 am to 2:00 p.m (it's the time when your brain is in acquisition mode). So yay, noonification!

What's in it for you?

Free Supply of Content, Daily!

We all agree: Paywalls suck. All tech content on Hacker Noon will always be free for the readers. And Noonification will let you read the fresh, hot, and spicy tech content for free.

The Top Stories and Podcasts

What will be coming to your inbox with Noonification? Here is a glimpse of a few top stories at Hacker Noon:

  1. What's better than top research? Discussion on that research. At Hacker Noon, you get access to discussions on the latest scientific research. Here is a story on this year's CVPR's best paper award winner.

  2. Rejoice, ML learners! Because Hacker Noon stories help you access open source datasets, models, and online communities. Here is a sample story: How to Fine Tune a 🤗 (Hugging Face) Transformer Model.

  3. Make reading more fun with slogging stories, a.k.a 'conversational content!' You learn more from natural conversations than from books or lectures, or tutorials. Biggest example: Stackoverflow - one of the most effective learning mediums for programmers, proven by research. Here is our awesome slogging story: How To Adjust The Blue Yeti Microphone Settings For Podcasting.

  4. Talking about podcasts, here is a blast from the past: John McAfee and David Smooke on the #1 Danger of the Internet (and other things).

  5. Dig space? You'll love this story: SpaceX Launches 88 Satellites in Ridesharing Mission.

  6. Dig humor+space-Jeff Bezos? Here is a mind-fresher for you: I'll pick up the check - from space!

Get a list of top stories daily. Subscribe to Noonification today.

More Value for Contributors and Aspiring Contributors

Whether you are a regular contributor or willing to write for us. Noonification is a great news for y'all. Here's how:

So writers - do subscribe to Noonification!

How to Subscribe?

Signup for Noonification by visiting this page and enter your email.

Pro Tip: The newsletter is sent daily at noon, Mountain Time, because that's where our HQ is located! But fear not, you can get it delivered to you at noon YOUR local time by disclosing to us your timezone here via Email Settings.

That's all, folks.