How are you, hacker? 🪐What's happening in tech this week: The Noonification by HackerNoon has got you covered with fresh content from our top 5 stories of the day, every day at noon your local time! Set email preference here.
The DAO Report: SECs Landmark Ruling on Crypto Assets and Trading Platforms 
By @secagainsttheworld [ 2 Min read ] Explore the implications for compliance with U.S. federal securities laws and its advice on registration for entities in exchange activities with emerging tech Read More.
Build a Trivia Quiz WhatsApp Bot With Twilio and ASP.NET Core 
By @zadok [ 15 Min read ] Create a trivia quiz application using Twilio for WhatsApp, ASP.NET Core, and The Trivia API. Read More.
Free Trial Genius: 6 Strategies to Turn Free Trial/Demo Users into Happy Customers 
By @poojawritess [ 7 Min read ] A free trial in SaaS (Software as a Service) is when a company offers potential customers the chance to use their software for a limited time at no cost. Read More.
Crossentropy, Logloss, and Perplexity: Different Facets of Likelihood 
By @artemborin [ 5 Min read ] We explore the link between three popular loss functions: crossentropy, logloss and perplexity Read More.
How the Legal Framework for the U.S Securities Market Affects Crypto Assets and Trading 
By @secagainsttheworld [ 2 Min read ]
Explore the statutory and legal framework underlying the SECs case against Binance in this HackerNoon Legal PDF Series. Read More.
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