How are you, hacker? 🪐What's happening in tech this week: The Noonification by HackerNoon has got you covered with fresh content from our top 5 stories of the day, every day at noon your local time! Set email preference here.
When Did Cyber Security Start? 
By @jamesbores [ 5 Min read ] Cybersecurity began between 1970 and 1972 with the publications of the Ware and Anderson reports. The Ware Report set out a number of different security control Read More.
6 Best Java Programming Books Ranked By Review Scores 
By @hackernoonbooks [ 5 Min read ] Java: The Complete Reference, Head First Java, and Effective Java are the best Java programming books on the market today according to their review scores. Read More.
By @cryptohayes [ 14 Min read ] Bitcoin is the purest and most battle-tested form of crypto money, and we must focus on its price action to divine whether the markets bottom has occured Read More.
Gold-backed Tokens: Hidden Potential, Drawbacks, Prospects 
By @ahrenposthumus [ 4 Min read ] The economic unpredictability has now reached even gold and Bitcoin. But what if they were merged into one single asset? Lets see how the two work together. Read More.
Crypto VC Behavior Reveals Market Trends for 2023 and Beyond 
By @ulrik [ 6 Min read ]
Crypto VCs scaled down funding significantly in 2022 due to the macro uncertainty and systemic risks such as Lunas collpase and the recent FTX debacle. Read More.
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