How are you, hacker? 🪐What's happening in tech this week: The Noonification by HackerNoon has got you covered with fresh content from our top 5 stories of the day, every day at noon your local time! Set email preference here.
Uber Still Cant Turn a Profit 
By @sheharyarkhan [ 4 Min read ] Netflix and Snapchat began informing markets of their financial performance this past week but the main draw remains to be tech titans. Read More.
Cybersecurity in Web3: How to Jump on the Bandwagon Safely 
By @viceasytiger [ 7 Min read ] The article addresses common cybersecurity vulnerabilities identified during smart contract audits, social engineerings role in web3-related cyber fraud, etc. Read More.
Bug or Feature? The First In-Game Interactions of Our Blockchain FPS 
By @qudo [ 3 Min read ] Combining all of the assets in Unity is always exciting and difficult because it rarely goes as planned on the first try, but we cant help but laugh when the most bizarre bugs show up. Given that even AAA games that are currently available to the general public have these bugs, such as the eagerly awaited Cyberpunk, which gained notoriety for having weird errors that made the game unintentionally humorous, you can imagine all the things you need to be careful of. once we start adding all the assets to Unity. Read More.
Playing God in the Fucking Metaverse 
By @walo [ 14 Min read ] Web 3.0 for dummies, by dummies. Read More.
A Look at the Trends in Developer Jobs: A Meta Analysis of Stack Overflow Surveys 
By @wagslane [ 22 Min read ]
Im really interested in the trends we see in the software engineering job market. Read More.
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The Hacker Noon Team ✌️