How are you, hacker? 🪐What's happening in tech this week: The Noonification by HackerNoon has got you covered with fresh content from our top 5 stories of the day, every day at noon your local time! Set email preference here.
#Noonies2022 Awards: The List of Winners in the Emerging Tech Category 
By @noonies2022 [ 10 Min read ] In prehistoric times, fire and wheel were emerging tech. Read More.
Creative AI ‘Shakes’ the Core of Humanity and Requires a Broader Discussion About Ethics 
By @latner [ 8 Min read ] The boundary between machine and humans was clear. But now the machine has become creative! Can self expression still be at the core of our humanity? Read More.
How this Metaverse Shooter is Defining the Next-Generation of Immersive Gaming 
By @humanandmachine [ 5 Min read ] Next-Generation of Immersive Gaming: Player Ownership, NFT Marketplaces and DAOs Read More.
Array Manipulation: Understanding JavaScript Array Methods 
By @deewyne [ 11 Min read ]
JavaScript arrays are data types that can store a collection of elements. These elements can be of any data type, including numbers, strings, and objects. Read More.
🧑💻 What happened in your world this week?It's been said that writing can help consolidate technical knowledge, establish credibility, and contribute to emerging community standards. Feeling stuck? We got you covered ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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The Hacker Noon Team ✌️